Here’s an insight from Will Smith about how essential it is that we switch from a default mode of fault and blame to responsibility.

Things like this add up to greater empowerment, agency, and a more skillful ability to relate with others (and within ourselves) more effectively and meaningfully.

(And things like this are an essential aspect of skillful communication and the Beauty Way of Relating, which starts with perception- and intention-shifts within us and then practicing the various skillful-communication and interpersonal artistry approaches with others.)

Check out what Will has to say:

Big Love,


Featured image credit: Comfort through a hug. PD image courtesy of Pixabay.

Dancing in the Rain. PD Pics.

Mentor-Coaching & Consultation

For ‘graceful communication’ to be a  ‘Beauty Way of Relating‘ emissary, or for a reminder of your own Beauty Way of Relating (and other Venusian) gifts and opportunities, see the current Reader & Client Appreciation specials or other consultation offerings:

Current Reader & Client Appreciation Specials

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