Every one of us experiences various life milestones, some of which are reflected in one’s astrological natal and transits chart — the first Saturn Return (and second), the Uranus Oppositions and Squares, the Chiron Return, Progressed Lunar Return, and a few others.

Then there are some of us who, by virtue of unique path and/or purpose, experience some pretty kick-butt transformation cycles, activations, what some call ‘awakenings’ or ‘Epically Transformative Experiences (aka EPEs).

If nothing else — though this is pretty epic — these sorts of passages initiate us into a whole new realm of understanding, when old perceptions, preconceptions, and a host of other internalized conditioning get shaken and tossed right out the window.

These might be astro-defined by the above astro-transits, and often Pluto (and perhaps Neptune) join that party as well to make it more interesting and pretty much non-negotiable. Those can be tough ones (she shares from experience!).

Detail from the 12th century Aberdeen Bestiary {PD-US} Wikimedia.

There are other languages we might use to describe such passages, too, but they often allude to the same: lots of change, some big life-shifts (or quakes), “Epically Transformative Experiences,” loss, grief (whether ‘frozen inside’ and invisible, or expressed), and a lot of potential growth, expansion, and ripening of gifts, too.

Phoenixing passages.

And there are likely some underway or imminent for some of you, too. Here are just a couple of them:

Uranus in Taurus will be a life-milestone transit for a few groups:

• a beautiful (and welcomed) graceful Trine for the mid-60s-born Gen-Xers with Uranus and Pluto in Virgo and Chiron in Pisces.

A bit of Grace after all of those Mutable Sign activations and Chiron Returns. It’s your time to Phoenix!

• the Uranus Opposition for those with Uranus in Scorpio;

• Uranus Squares for those with Uranus in Aquarius or Leo.

A favorite image: Rafael Sergei Levitsky’s Bridge in the Woods. Public domain – {PD-US}.

Chiron Returns: Completed, Underway or Imminent

• Those with Chiron in Pisces have experienced their (our) Chiron Returns — that passage through the portal from wounded to wounded healer and teacher, primed to share what emerges from the integration of experience gathered so far.

Some Chiron in Pisces peeps are still in their Chiron Returns, since Chiron will dip back from its brief foray into Aries and revisit the end-degree Chiron in Pisces peeps to add some mojo to that Chiron Return initiation.

• Those with Chiron in Aries are freshy in Chiron Return (if you’ve got Chiron at the very gateway of Aries) or are in the lead-up weeks, months, or years to your Chiron Return.

I found the couple of years leading up to my Chiron Return to be pretty rich in revealing internalized patterns whose expiration dates were up — it was time to recognize them, release or alchemize them, and reap and integrate the soul-force that had been trapped or suppressed because of them.

Of course, as important as these transits and activations are, they don’t happen in isolation — they’re part of an amazing symphony of self-facts, experiences, and cycles being activated (or danced with) by the ‘music of the spheres’ or Energies of Now (or Soon).

Schedule a Sophiastrology consultation for your more personalized intel and inspiration on more skillfully and gracefully (or at least more clue-fully!) navigating these life-milestone gateways and other adventures.

Big Love (and Graceful Dancing),


Featured Image Credit: Expulsion – Moon and Firelight, 1828, by Thomas Cole. I shared this in a recent post, but it seems a fitting image here, too.

Dancing in the Rain. PD Pics.

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Lots of love,
