It’s a fine time, with a change of season opening — that “in-between seasons” season — to check in with the Divine Spark, the inner flame, the vision-seeds germinating under the surface, wanting to be showered with nourishment and attention.

It’s always a fine time to stir heart and creativity with those transformative questions, affirmative inquiry … “loving the questions themselves” as the wise poet, Rilke, wrote in his letters to a young poet.

Good questions make a big difference in what gets stirred alive, what embers get fanned into flame (fear, or love and creativity and inspiration?).

What has heart, joy and meaning? What really stirs your heart — mine and yours? As the U.S. actor, producer, and comedian Will Smith asks in his video message, “Who feeds your flame?” … and what feeds your (our) flame?

With days and weeks that seem to speed by, filled with the usual to-do’s, an occasional (or regular) check in helps to ensure that what really and truly matters to us, what we really and truly value, doesn’t get sidelined in favor of the proverbial Squeakiest Wheel or habitual to-do’s or other peoples’ priorities and urgency (those M-Field “tractor beams”).

What feeds the flame, and how might it best be tended amidst the busyness?

Big Love,


Featured Image Credit: Rain and a golden reflection on a forest waterway. Public domain photo from Larissa Koshkina via

Phoenix Rising. Image courtesy of All Day 2.

What might you create, live into, and affect in the coming months or year?

How might you reconnect with your unique Golden Thread?

For passion-stirring clues, epiphanies, and greater clarity on what has joy, heart, and meaning for you — your unique gifts — team with me as your inspiration partner, mentor, and navigation guide.

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Lots of love,
