Crescent Moon Rising and Earth’s Atmosphere. Beautiful, isn’t it? Image: NASA.

On April 26th, we have the pleasure of a perigee New Moon, a.k.a. the first supermoon of the year.

Perigee or supermoon means that our beautiful Luna satellite is at its closest to Earth. Bruce McClure at Earth & Sky gives more intel on the perigee moons.

The upcoming New Moon is exact at 8:16 a.m. Eastern Time (check here for your local time), in the astro-sign of Taurus.

If the New Moon is As Above, Taurus is all about Heaven to Earth … As Above, So Below.

With the Sun freshly in the Earthy, sensual, more deliberate terra-firma of Taurus, and this perigee or Super New Moon, the Taurus Mysteries are quickened and stirred.

Delicious. And not a moment too soon (see the link below for more on that).


That’d be a Taurean word, as would any that evoke and express the sensual, the senses, body wisdom, the Slow Movement (of anything), Earth beauty, and Earthed values … a.k.a. the truest, deepest of values and worth (what’s really of worth and value? Usually something other than what we’ve been taught is worth something or nothing.).

Visit The Venusian Mysteries: The Garden of the Feminine for more on the Venusian-Taurean themes, key-words, and luscious possibilities of now. (It’s more practical than you might think.)

In the meanwhile, we’re in the Dark of the Moon, so enjoy some cave time, incubate, nourish, slow down a bit. Be deliciously deliberate and sensual.

Spirals in Nature. PD-CC image courtesy of Schrista.

Pretend you’ve got inner seedlings pushing up through the soil, about to blossom into new Greening. (Hmmm, what would those fresh seedlings be, I wonder?). Care lovingly for them, and see them sprout.

See The Venusian Mysteries post for more Taurean notions for the coming days and weeks.

Big Love & Happy Sensual Super New Moon!
