Divers descending into the main cavern of Blue Hole, Palau_Islands, Micronesia. PD image courtesy of Wikimedia.
Divers descending into the main cavern of Blue Hole, Palau_Islands, Micronesia. PD image courtesy of Wikimedia.

Any time that the Scorpio Mysteries are afoot — as they are with this New Moon, as well as whenever the depths, the lengthening nights, or other deep-Mystery phases and cycles are more noticeable — we are in the liminal zone.

Deep mystery, deep transformation, deeply stirring.

For some, that’s normal, if not comfortable.

For others, who perhaps struggle intensely to control any perceived unknown or change, such times may stir more than a bit of uncertainty and fear.

Either way, the archetypal energies exist. Here’s some ‘intel’ to help us swim the currents just now:

Scorpio’s totems are the scorpion, the eagle, and the Phoenix.

Big clues to Scorpio’s mysteries right there.

Scorpion: tough little bugger, and has a nasty sting.

Eagle: majestic, rises above and get’s that ‘bird’s eye’ view.

Phoenix: Beautiful mythical bird that rises from the ashes of its former self.

Il Barbagianni, The Owl, by 1862, Valentine Cameron Prinsep.
Il Barbagianni, The Owl, by 1862, Valentine Cameron Prinsep.

With deeply transformative and often mystery rich phases, cycles, passages, and energies, the one choice we do actually have — usually — is how we choose to perceive and experience it.

(1) Do we work with the energies afoot, the great Mystery and unknown, the alchemy and change that’s stirring often at least a bit beyond our control?

(2) Or do we give in to the fear, overwork the poor Lizard Brain and fight-flight-freeze auto-reaction, and let the gusts and shifts work us over?

Sometimes it’s a bit of both, it seems, but even that can feel a bit better than getting blown and dragged along!

There are gifts in the liminal, the Unseen, those in-between places and what the ancestors called ‘thin places’ or ‘thin times’ — when the veil was thinner and non-analytical intuition, creativity, inspiration, and wisdom were more easily accessible.

Sophia’s Children is rich with musings on these themes, if you want to stir your inspiration and get a few tips and ideas for more resourcefully and maybe even confidently navigating the liminal times and exploring the gifts.

anais-nin_mermaid-quoteSophia’s Children posts on:

Scorpio Mysteries and the liminal-shamanic times

The Deep-Feminine and Cerridwen’s Creative Cauldron (selection of articles)

Happy inspiration-diving and vision-stirring.

Big Love & Deep Creativity,


In the Orchard (1912) by Franz Dvorak. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.
In the Orchard (1912) by Franz Dvorak. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.

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