Saguaro Moon, 2007, from APOD-NASA.
Saguaro Moon, 2007, from APOD-NASA.

The beautiful moon is waxing into fullness, and that full, ripe moon occurs just past midnight on Sunday morning (EDT).

Using the language of astrology for the energy and archetype signatures:

This full moon joins Uranus in Aries … fire and electricity.

Volatility and harmony … or the disruption of harmony. Sometimes just for the thrill of it. Which can be annoying. (For more on Aries-Libra themes, see The Beauty Way of Relationship, a recent post).

What are the qualities of these energetics, and how might we experience (and more skillfully navigate) them?

The moon moves quickly, so we may tend to notice the building of electrical energy and fiery lava, a peak, and then the waning of it.

For those of us who do notice such things, usually because we feel the energy buzzing into and through our physical bodies, it’s a possible Zap Zone couple of days energetically.

And for those of us who tend to notice the lava rising within us to near-bursting, or maybe those around us erupting, the Zap Zone alert also applies.

Just because we’re not seeing and hearing the outbursts doesn’t mean it’s not wafting through the thought-psychic (or psycho) sphere.

Photo by Jamie.
16th Street Fire Goddess, San Francisco. Photo by Jamie. CC-SSA.

Full moons can be like that – ask anyone who works in an emergency room or psyche ward, or who lives in close proximity to more volatile, eruption-prone individuals.

The astrologer Jessica Shepherd has some lovely musings in her MoonCircles article, focusing on the theme of centering your energy.

It’s a really good reminder — when all is a-swirlin’ and there’s a high potential for psychic (and other) vomit-offload by those who find the lava-tension too much — staying embodied and centered and present is really, really helpful.

And it’s deep practice, as I’ve written more than once (from my own experience, for better and worse!).

Sunflowers at a California Street Market in San Francisco. Photo by Jamie S. Walters. Use with source attribution and link per Creative Commons.
Sunflowers at a California Street Market in San Francisco. Photo by Jamie S. Walters. Use with source attribution and link per Creative Commons.

For handy reminders on consciously navigating the Tantrum Yoga Hissy Fit thing, and for energy hygiene tips that help to soothe, clear, or stay centered, here’s a start:

Be(Aware) of Tantrums, Outbursts, Hissy Fits and Offloads

When Pulled In All Directions, Center is Up

You’ll find more in the Empaths & Sensitives Series collection … here.

Enjoy the energy and the illumination. If it’s full moon at night and clear sky, enjoy the opportunity to be in wonder at the beauty of it!

Big Love (and Lunar Blessings),


The Fair Face of Woman, by Sophia Gengembre Anderson (1823-1903)
The Fair Face of Woman, by Sophia Gengembre Anderson (1823-1903)

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Labyrinth image credit: Green labyrinth in Luxembourg City. PD image from Lode Van de Velde,