“Our destiny is the golden thread that holds together the hearts of humanity and the heart of the world. We carry the heart of the world within our own heart, and through living our destiny we nourish the heart of the world.”

~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Working With Oneness

Working with the Divine gifts — our Sophia gifts — that include our imagination, focused intent, and the remembering of the ancient-timeless wisdom and knowing that is accessible to us, we begin to live our destiny and thus more and more contribute to the wellbeing of all.

“When we begin this work,” says Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, “ancient memories will surface, memories that we carry in our ancestral self, of how this work is done.”

We already have these gifts encoded within us, along with the access-streams we need to do (or rather be and from that being do) the work for which we are here on this planet at this time.

For many called to these paths of awakening, experiences of various transformative events — Near Death Experiences (NDEs), kundalini awakenings; and other sorts of show-stopping, perspective-altering peak experiences — have already been happening to call us away from the false-conditioned life and into our destiny stream.

Rain and a golden reflection on a forest waterway. Public domain photo from Larissa Koshkina via PDpictures.net.
Rain and a golden reflection on a forest waterway. Public domain photo from Larissa Koshkina via PDpictures.net.

We just need to take a conscious, intentional step, and then another, in its direction, and cultivate the remembering and reclaim these ancient-timeless Divine gifts … or our Sophia Gifts as I’ve written before … and then be and do from that center of awareness.

The ancient, timeless, and current wisdom traditions have long given clues about how to make this shift — a renewal of heart and mind, a shift of perspective from fragmentation to wholeness, a shift from ‘stuck in time’ (which means always in the past or the future) to presence right Now.

Sounds easy. It’s not. But there we are. As the poetic prophecies go, “We were born for these times.”

Thankfully, there are ways and practices; there are reminders and clues. They’ve just been marginalized or buried deeply in our individual and collective psyche, waiting to be remembered, reclaimed, and renewed.

This is why, among other things, we reclaim the Feminine gifts of our being — the deeply intuitive, wisely instinctive, pattern-tracking, whole-seeing, connection-weaving, heart-and-body (as well as intellect) honoring, and creatively spontaneous (a.k.a. ‘outside the box’ or ‘genius’) ways of being.

Wooden gate in the high hedges. PD image from George Hodan via PDpictures.net.
Wooden gate in the high hedges. PD image from George Hodan via PDpictures.net.

Vaughan-Lee (and others) affirms:

“In the diffuse consciousness of the feminine, the patterns of relationship are more visible. … Now this wisdom is needed. It can no longer be hidden, but needs to become conscious. … We need to bring this feminine wisdom into consciousness so that we can learn to relate to the whole of life.”

We begin to relate to the whole of life, as LV-L and others have pointed out (and some of us have learned and remembered through our own journey of initiation and remembering).

This is our natural way of seeing and being; that knowing has just been hidden in the vaults of deep forgetting.

Then, Life and its wholeness — the Alaha or Unity, One in which we all live, breathe, and have our being (and that is within us and so expresses through us as well) — meets us and will flow more and more gracefully in and through us into right expression and right presence.

Nature abundance. Mountain stream in Matterhorn forest. PD Pictures dot net.
Nature abundance. Mountain stream in Matterhorn forest. PD Pictures dot net.

Questions to Live Into…

If you’ve been reading long, you’ll know by now that inquiry — the art of asking the right questions — is a key theme of mine and one of our ‘power tools‘ or gifts, you might say, along with the others I’ve mentioned above.

A few good questions to activate the insight-stream:

• How does the Golden Thread of destiny and purpose weave in and through you?

• To what is Life beckoning and calling you — where are the clues arising and to what are they pointing you?

• What gifts are calling to you to be remembered and/or strengthened into use on behalf of the wellbeing of all, and where your joy meets the world’s need?

There are many other artful questions to spark insight and remembering, but these help get the golden flow of inspiration started.

Green labyrinth in Luxembourg City. PD image from Lode Van de Velde, PDpictures.net.
Green labyrinth in Luxembourg City. PD image from Lode Van de Velde, PDpictures.net.

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Featured Image Credit: Grass maze labyrinth at Dalby, Yorkshire, England. Public domain photo from Simon Garbutt via Wikimedia.