Leading Into The Woods, by Daniele Pellati. Public domain image courtesy Public Domain Pictures.
Leading Into The Woods, by Daniele Pellati. Public domain image courtesy Public Domain Pictures.

“Life is a mystery, a blessing, and a challenge. It is exciting and full of adventure, but can also be overwhelming or even tragic.”

“We are reaching several thresholds in our journey as human beings on earth. We need intentional changes to shift us from an unsustainable and oppressive way of life to one that is more sustainable and liberating.”

“Everyday we make choices as to how we live our lives. The further we progress in our individual healing and awareness, the closer we become to fulfilling our role in bringing change. Every role is unique and every role special.” ~ Evon Peter *

In a Bioneers panel-presentation with fellow Native American activist-leaders Winona LaDuke and John Trudell, Evon Peter said that on this path …

Falling leaves on a bridge. Image courtesy of Best Wallpaper Design.
Falling leaves on a bridge. Image courtesy of Best Wallpaper Design.

“There are no quick fixes; there are no short cuts. This path is going to take years, require us to face our fears and to be courageous in challenging ourselves to grow, and learn, and open up.”

“In my experience, I have never worked with a North American person, indigenous or non-indigenous, who did not have to go through the equivalent of a nervous breakdown on this path of healing, because we need to deconstruct what it is that we believe to be our realities and our existence as human beings in order for us to actually return to being human beings, myself included.” **

Evon Peter is a former Neetsaii Gwich’in Chief of Arctic Village and founder of the Indigenous Leadership Institute. Listen to the Bioneers talk here, and learn more about Evon Peter here.

Garden of Eden, by Erastus Salisbury Field (1805 – 1900), American Folk Artist.
Garden of Eden, by Erastus Salisbury Field (1805 – 1900), American Folk Artist.

The Bioneers talk was called “Becoming Fully Human,” which is lovely given that Bioneers is focused towards a large and diverse audience.

Yet I wonder if it’s more accurate to say Reclaiming Our Humanity,” given a culture and many, many generations of dehumanizing and inhumane Empire-norms.

… or remembering our humanity …

… or restoring our humanity …

… or renewing it …

… or revitalizing it. Celebrating it. Rooting in it.

Reconnecting to every last bit of ancestral wisdom that exemplified and thus strengthen humaneness and our sense of interconnectedness and shared humanity.

As a sort of inoculation against the dehumanizing virus of inhumanity, but even more than that, as a presence and example of humaneness or humanity.

These are ideal “RE …” words for the Energies of Now, actually, with Jupiter and Saturn both retrograde, and Mars readying for its retro-Vision Quest that’s one of the Astro Headliners for 2016.

Big Love and happy (Humanity) reclaiming,


What’s stirring and ‘headlining’ for your own Vision Quest in the coming months?

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