Archer at the opening ceremonies of the Barcelona Olympic Games -- an exquisite and elegant moment!
Archer at the opening ceremonies of the Barcelona Olympic Games — an exquisite and elegant moment!

It’s a fine time to re-feature this rather dry-witted, Saturnian insight from Jung on Separating from the Herd.

It’s nicely attuned to this Friday Sagittarius New Moon and new lunar cycle (neatly trined Uranus in Aries, igniting those rebel-sparked ‘fiery arrows’ of stirred-and-centered vision … are you noticing them as they arise?), and for stirring the vision-cauldron for the months and year ahead.

For a few more themes aligned to the current archetype-energies, vision-quest impulses, and possibilities stirring around and within us, check out the recent post and the insightful and ‘co-lucid’ comments, Rebels and Mystic Sells (and related articles that pop up in the links).

The Trickster and rebel-system-agitator (Uranus-Prometheus) is afoot, but so is the Master Teacher (Saturn in Sagittarius).

Aquarians will recognize the weird, unlikely collaboration of this duo, as Uranus/Prometheus and Saturn are the co-rulers of Aquarius. But at the early cusp of the Aquarian Age, we may all be feeling such stirrings and the agitation of creative friction.

Hebe Giving a Drink to Jupiter, 1767, by Gavin Hamilton. Public domain image (date precedes copyright).
Hebe Giving a Drink to Jupiter, 1767, by Gavin Hamilton. Public domain image (date precedes copyright).

Together, Uranus and Saturn are now holding the torch to illuminate and spark the fiery arrows of the vision quest we’ll undertake in the coming months and year, and to transmute … that’d be reduce to ash … the energy of the calcified beliefs or ‘cultural norms’ that are past their expiry date and have gone sour, rancid, or downright toxic.

‘Tis the season.

Reflection Questions:

What purpose clues, vision stirrings, and far-off-horizons call to you?

Where will you aim your ‘fiery arrows’ for the coming vision quest journey?

How will your Phoenix rise over the coming year?

To gain fresh clarity & spark a sense of momentum — schedule a “Commit to Progress” coaching trio or consultation series.

Big Love and Happy New Moon in the meanwhile,

In the Orchard (1912) by Franz Dvorak. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.
In the Orchard (1912) by Franz Dvorak. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.

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Lots of love,
