Boreas, by John William Waterhouse (1903), Image courtesy of WikiCommons.
Boreas, by John William Waterhouse (1903), Image courtesy of WikiCommons.

There’s a lot of ‘buzz’ swirling about particularly intense energies and ‘waves’ and myriad other things for September 2015.

This, of course, includes the usual yet unfortunate supply of ‘catastrophe addiction’ and ‘drama, drama, conflama’ type stuff stirring the ol’ over-worked Lizard Brain into a frenzy.


I’ve got it on my writing list to share specifics and some thoughts, intuitive sensings, and self-care tips on this, so stay tuned.

It’s true that we do indeed continue to be in transformative times, and thus we get a lot of benefit from insightful, inspired, believing mirror mentoring and counsel from integrity centered kindred spirits who ‘get it’.

I know I do, and my clients and readers and pals tell me they do as well.

I’m also hearing lots of need for flexibility and budget-friendly offerings, which I usually offer anyway via sliding scale and various customized arrangements that meet individual needs.

In that spirit, I’ve created a ‘Special Offerings’ page for the more popular consultation options and programs that seem particularly timely right now.

GreenSpiral-tile-35You’ll find the new Special Offerings & Programs page here.

(Or on the sidebar at the left!)

In the meanwhile, stay tuned for more on this whole September Thing (or the rumors and associated tips, anyway!), along with other topics on the Muse List.

Big Love,
