Modern Art Wall Dripped Free-Form, by Jackson Pollock (January 28, 1912 – August 11, 1956). Public domain image graciously shared by Tomwsulcor via WikiMedia.
Modern Art Wall Dripped Free-Form, by the Creatively Maladjusted and Transformed Non-Conformist Aquarian Artist, Jackson Pollock (January 28, 1912 – August 11, 1956). Public domain image graciously shared by Tomwsulcor via WikiMedia.

Yesterday was the birth-anniversary for the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (and the day before my beautiful Capricorn Sun niece+God-daughter’s birthday!).

I wrote this post (see link below) awhile ago, but the wisdom is fresh no matter what the day, month or year.

And that’s no less so than right now (when a healthy dose of Aquarian-style creative maladjustment and transformed nonconformism would be good medicine as psychopaths run all willy-nilly, rough-shod rampant, leaving wreckage in their wakes).

The Rev. Dr. King inspired many during this lifetime — when he surely walked this talk! — and his courage, vision, and daring Wisdom has inspired many more since.

This particular bit of wisdom will resonate with any of us who have Aquarian-fibers running through our own unique tapestry (like moi!), and it’s a theme right now with the Uranus square, extra Aqua energy coming through (with the Sun soon to join that party and send Aqua-trons our way), and the two — read it, twoAquarius new moons coming up.

And this particular speech of the Rev. Dr. King is brilliant not just for what he’s saying, but who he’s speaking to (check it out).

Prepare to stir your Aqua Stuff (or get acquainted with it for the first time and do some experimenting) and beam it out into the world (how else will this Aquarian Age come into being?).

And if you need some believing mirror support, bolstering, light-sparking encouragement and spiritual direction — or help figuring out just which fabulous freak-flag is yours to fly — consider scheduling some Aqua-Authenticity-Sparking sessions with me, send me an email and have a look here.

Until then, enjoy this inspiration from the visionary Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Wishing You Big Love and Lots of Quirky Courage,