Midsummer Eve, c. 1908, Edward Robert Hughes. (Image courtesy of WikiMedia)
Midsummer Eve, c. 1908, Edward Robert Hughes. (Image courtesy of WikiMedia)

Wherever we are, whether we’re moving into the season of shorter days and longer nights, or easing from daylight to the dark of night, we move into the Deep Yin cycle of Nature.

Ancient wise ones — and some of our ancestors — knew well that certain times were better than others for stirring creativity, restoring and rejuvenating spent or flagging energy, incubating (and inviting) refreshed vision, and receiving higher or Divine inspiration.

They also knew — and so do we, at our heart and core — that these are necessary if we want to experience a revived sense of purpose, vocation, and motivation, or for breaking through seeming stagnation.

Read the full, updated Creativity, Vision, and the Deep Feminine

Wishing you Big Love (and a vision that pulls you),


Emerald Green Butterfly. Image courtesy of Nature's Crusaders.Give, Receive, Benefit & Support the Work

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