When Virgo archetypes and energies are activated — as they might be during a Virgo Full Moon time or with heavenly bodies traveling the Virgo constellation,  Virgoan Feminine mastery and magic steps into the center stage and spotlight.

Virgo is an Earth sign, and is considered Feminine, the sign of the Virgin and the Vestal, the priestesses who for many years were Keepers of the Flame.

The Virgo-Vestal devotedly tends to all that is sacred both in mystical realms and in the mundane, and lends the healing presence, right where we are.

Of course, though cycles or times that are rich in the Virgo ‘medicine’ add potency, you can call up your Virgo-Vestal magic any time you need these particular gifts or qualities of devoted flame-tending, sacred-infusing, hearth-keeping, and healing-presence-lending.

Ruth St. Denis shining her Aquarian Light, and evoking the Lady of the Lake?
Ruth St. Danis. shining her Aquarian Light, and evoking the Lady of the Lake?

What are the Virgo Magicks, Medicines, and Mysteries?

Virgo an Earth-centered archetype has the magic of, among other things, mindfully and attentively tending the inherent sacredness, the health, and the wellbeing of self, others, and Earth in a grounded way.

It may also be a lens through which we can more easily become aware of the sacred that is infused in the everyday matter which we often take for granted, or worse, dismiss or abuse.

As such, it’s associated with the Vestal Priestesses — famed Keepers of the Flame and, in some ways, elevated and much-respected as keepers of the symbolic flame and Heart of Rome. Find more about Virgo and the Vestal flame-keepers in the link below.

For now, we’ll stir the sacred well of insight and creativity for other potent clues about the Virgo facets of our natures — these qualities and traits that allow us to devotedly tend, to recognize and thus invite out the sacred, to see that small gestures and kindnesses can in themselves be big magic.

The Light of the World (Detail), c. 1900-1904, in St. Paul's Cathedral, London. By William Holman Hunt.
The Light of the World (Detail), c. 1900-1904, in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London. By William Holman Hunt.

The Virgo parts of us also offer the potential of mindfulness and attentiveness — the awareness that each word — each detail — has its own magic (so knows that by changing one word, one detail, one element of practice, we make bigger shifts). And more.

Though ruled by Mercury or Hermes, we find more clues about the Virgo medicine, magic, and Mysteries when we learn that statues of Mercury or Hermes were often just outside the temples at whose core was the eternal flame of Vesta or Hestia (depending on whether you were Greek or Roman).

Some astro-mythologists also associate Chiron the Wounded Healer with the Virgo archetype, and why not?  I’d add Chiron’s Feminine complement Chariklo as well, for a complete, balanced team (which in myth and thus potential, they are indeed).

So we have the theme of thought and word that comes forth from a heartful, wise place, and thus has the power to be healing rather than cruel, diminishing, blisteringly critical, or eviscerating (as thought and word too often are these days!).

If you know the personality and esoteric or soul qualities of this powerful group, you begin to have an idea about the Virgoan magic, medicine, and Mysteries available to you — we all have Virgo somewhere in our astro-blueprint (aka chart), and we all have Chiron, Chariklo, Vesta, Hestia, Mercury-Hermes, and Iris, too.

Weave them together to see a chapter in your own soul-story, Iris-the-Rainbow-Goddess_greek-vase-detailand see what wise counsel and magic they might offer to you now — and also how they participate (and who they join) in the greater story of your own Earth Walk this time around and your purpose and vocation therein.

These are some of the purpose clues that can shed the light of insight and guide us on our way. (If you’d prefer a lantern holder and guide in the exploration of your purpose clues and/or emerging Feminine Magic and Mysteries, send me an email and we’ll explore the possibilities and potentials together.)

Remember Virgo’s message:

There is magic and sacred meaning in being attentive to and tending the sacred-heart of the smallest of things, both within and around you.

Everything is sacred at its core, because at the core of everything is the Divine Spark or flame.

At the center of everything is the opportunity for the welcoming hearth, and heart.

An illuminated Way ... [Image shared in an e-message from the University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism]
An illuminated Way … [Image shared in an e-message from the University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism]
And we can find unexpected magic and meaning in tending that graciously and with devotion (and in the face of these very intense times, that can truly be ‘tall practice’ and challenge us to the core … but be worth the devotion.)

The beautiful thing is that we can find ways to weave and express this Virgo attentiveness, mindfulness, sacred-flame-tending quality into all we do as we go throughout our day — even into our work or vocation (more on that is on the Musing Radar … stay tuned!). With that, comes a renewed sense of meaning.

You can stir your Virgo mojo further with The Heart, Core, and Magic of the Feminine and This Little Light of Mine from the Sophia’s Children archives.

Big Love and Virgo Blessings,


Featured Image Credit: The Love Potion, by Evelyn Pickering de Morgan.

Phoenix Rising. Image courtesy of All Day 2.

Shine Your Soul Force. Be Who You ARE.

Easier said than done sometimes, yes?

None the less, as the saying goes, We were born for these times — the times need us to summon our gifts and our magic and share it in our unique ways.

For Soul Force-stirring clues and greater clarity on what has joy, heart, and meaning for you (and how to step into and express that), team with me as your inspiration partner, mentor, and guide.

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Lots of love,
