Ruth St. Denis, The Peacock Dance, c. 1914
Ruth St. Denis, The Peacock Dance, c. 1914

“Nothing is more commendable than to live lyrically, to make our lives a continuous song of experience.” ~ Charles “Tom” Brown, quoted in The Friends of Silence newsletter, April 2014.

“I see dance being used as communication between body and soul to express what is too deep to find words.” ~ Ruth St. Denis (January 20, 1879 – July 21, 1968), American innovator in modern dance. Some say that St. Denis was a prophet as well.

There are some traditions that say each thing in existence — human beings, animal beings, plants, stones, and on — has its own unique song.

Pythia, by Adolf Frey Moock (1881-1954). Image courtesy of WikiCommons.
Pythia, by Adolf Frey Moock (1881-1954). Image courtesy of WikiCommons.

Many human beings, unfortunately, have been drawn away from our song, and its connection to the Divine, The Great Song, by the conditioning of mind and various synthetic influences.

To remember one’s song — both essence and the vocation or calling that flow from it — is to re-align with the great, graceful, tidal flow of Life.

That’s where, as Frederich Buechner mused, our great joy meets the world’s deep need.

Other ancient traditions held that the original angels manifested from the Divine — called the Pleroma by some — were so grateful to have emerged from the Divine into unique experience that they sung the created world into existence as an expression of both their creativity and their appreciation.

Ruth St. Danis. shining her Aquarian Light, and evoking the Lady of the Lake?
Ruth St. Danis. shining her Aquarian Light, and evoking the Lady of the Lake?

What is your song … your unique frequency, vibration, gifts?

What calls to you? What stirs you deeply?

What happens, what does Life become and feel like, when we dare to inquire? When we dare to open the conversation, and discern and follow the clues?

We do have clues, even in our forgetting; even in this Age of Distraction, there are clues, if we can summon the clarity and courage to follow them.

Our deepest, most heartful yearnings are clues. Even our astro-mythology chart shows us clues. We may find other clues emerging in the day to day of our lives, once we ask the question.

The energies of now are as good as they get (though it’s always possible) for beginning or deepening our great experiment: Looking, listening, and sensing for clues that realign us with our song, and its ‘right expression’ for now.

Big Love and Neptunian Visions,
