A wee, green oasis in Death Valley, CA [Photo courtesy of PD Photo via Creative Commons]
A wee, green oasis in Death Valley, CA [Photo courtesy of PD Photo via Creative Commons]

“Forget the former things;

do not dwell on the past.

See, I am doing a new thing!

Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness

and streams in the wasteland.” –

Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV)

When I first wrote this post (in early February, 2014), Isaiah wisdom had come up repeatedly over the week or two just prior to posting.

Now, some years later and following 2020 — a.k.a. The Covid (And More) Year — the Isaiah Wisdom is just as fresh and relevant.

I’ve learned that it’s always wise to take note of those patterns, and to give attention to clues that come up in batches like that, with themes of deserts blooming, arid places being moistened and greened, and Wisdom making new ways in the wilderness.

Pattern-tracking and clue-sleuthing are, after all, some of those “uncommon skills,” and often offer a way to follow the clue trail through the unknown (and sometimes unsettling) territory in which we find ourselves.

What tender greening is emerging within and around you? Where is Wisdom leading you, were you to notice and follow Her clues?

Big Love,


* Thanks to Evelyn for being the most recent in my series of Isaiah Sightings; she included the above verse in her current Crossroads Dispatches.