Still life with fruit, a cornucopia, by Dutch Master Painter Rachel Ruysch (1664 – 1750)
Still life with fruit, a cornucopia, by Dutch Master Painter Rachel Ruysch (1664 – 1750)

Initially written in 2013, and updated in 2018

It’s Thanksgiving week here in the United States, though the underlying meaning can be summoned up at any time, in any place.

Of course, I’m thinking about the soon-to-be-feasted-upon turkey, stuffing, gravy, cranberries, Brussels sprouts, and other dishes traditional to the Northeastern U.S. Thanksgiving festival table; and even moreso, the camaraderie of cooking and noshing together.

At the same time — particularly given the seemingly perpetual turbulence between humans and the shapeshifting Energies of Now — I’ll be attuning to the vibe of the greater Spirit of the Season, which helps me to tolerate the sometimes appalling “rabid consumerism” and related behavior (e.g. “Black Friday,” during which people trample other people down so they can snatch whatever ‘thing’ has fueled their mania.

Need I say more?). There are some finer things stirring, too, though.

Here are a few In the Spirit of the Season attitude-and-vibe adjusters:

The example that inspired the Thanksgiving mythos — the immense generosity shown by the Wampanoag Indians to the struggling, starving Puritan newcomers (despite the marked lack of generosity shown by many (though not all) of the colonial leaders and settlers towards the local the Indigenous peoples after that); and

The yummy, delicious, frequency elevating and energy restoring values or virtues of generosity, graciousness, hospitality, welcome (and one hopes it’s a warm one), and abundance (in its varied forms). We can be Ambassadors (and Role Models) of these qualities.

Nice (it makes a positive ripple effect, and it feels good, too).

Those values and virtues, the sharing of plenty, the spirit of ‘wild bounty’ and generosity, lead straight to what our ancestors associated with the Many Named Mother of All, Buon Dea, the ‘divine Feminine’ by whatever name she was known over eras and cultures (we each connect in the way we’re called), and later associated with the beneficent Father Divine.

The reclamation of the Feminine — right brain, heart centeredness, whole-seeing, Medial nature, and other gifts — is very much a part of the shift of consciousness, the shift into wholeness, that’s underway (or possible for us).

If you’re touching in to the deeper meaning, rousing what Abraham Lincoln called ‘the better angels of our nature’, and exploring the Via Feminina or experiencing significant shifts, you’ll find more than a bit of rich inspiration and ‘guiding lanterns’ here in Sophia’s Children.

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Venus Verticordia (1864-8), Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum, Bournemouth
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Venus Verticordia (1864-8), Russell-Cotes Art Gallery and Museum, Bournemouth

Here are a few starters from my previous Sophia’s Children posts, for getting into the Spirit of the Season:

On Restoring the World’s Lost Heart

Bhrighde’s ‘Habit of the Wildest Bounty’

Transformation Fatigue & Keeping Heart

And don’t forget:

Black (Madonna) Friday (an alternative idea)

If your calling to the Way of the re-emerging Feminine and/or shifting consciousness inspires you to draw even more deeply, these and other Sophia’s Children posts point the way to others.

If you’re an Empath-Sensitive who’s feeling the shockwaves and stirrings in the ‘shared energy/psychic field’, find inspiration & handy reminders here.

For a more personalized focus, let’s talk.

See a few momentum-stirring get-started options here – Featured Offerings.

Wishing you a gracious and bountiful heart and holiday (wherever you are in the world!).

Big Love,


In the Orchard (1912) by Franz Dvorak. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.
In the Orchard (1912) by Franz Dvorak. Public domain image courtesy of Wikimedia.

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Lots of love,
